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The Department of Defense Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (DOD-ADNI) is a study that examines the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Alzheimer’s disease in Vietnam War veterans. The study goals include:

  • Identify risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease in veterans
  • Develop treatments and prevention strategies for Alzheimer’s disease in veterans
  • Improve clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Create a network for clinical trials

Study Participants

Participants include Vietnam War veterans between 50-90 years old with a history of TBI or PTSD and controls with service-connected disorders not related to PTSD or TBI.

Available Data

ADNI maintains an unprecedented data access policy intended to encourage new investigation and to increase the pace of discovery in the race to prevent, treat, and one day cure AD. All data is made available without embargo. Researchers seeking access to ADNI data should visit USC’s Laboratory of Neuroimaging ADNI database (ADNI DOD LONI).

Available Biospecimens

Genomic DNA, Cell Line DNA, Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines (LCLs) and RNA from blood are available for request from NCRAD.